The Challenge
Build a world-class design organization within an established multi-national technology organization with a 150 year history in order to accelerate a cultural and digital transformation.
The Approach
Culture, people, gaps, needs, successes, and desires
Across functions, business units, silos, remote, in-person
Teach, Coach, Facilitate, Consult
My Role
Engineering product teams are fragmented and siloed working in a multitude of systems which slows efficiency and productivity when delivering products to the market.
We developed a series of interactive stories to show customers how they would use Nexus and what would be valuable for each type of customer.
This was a fantastic effort which received an iF award for Digital Storytelling.
Red Dot Award
Receive this prestigious award for Nexus Platform work and NexusUI Design System.
5 x iF Awards
Received 5 awards for Nexus Storytelling, Portal design,
3D Whiteboard App design, Metrology Reporting App design, and NexusUI Design System.

Developer Award | Site of the Day
Design Award | Website of the Day
BIMA Award
Received for Nexus Platform and storytelling.
Next: Energy Innovation >