As a design leader, I have deep experience creating and scaling design organizations within large enterprises. I have successfully established Design as a core function in companies where it was previously nascent, building Award-winning design practices, and embedding human-centered design (HCD) into the organizational culture.

Executive Advocacy
Represent design at the executive level.
Embedding HCD
Work with leaders to integrate HCD into development processes and business structures.

AI Innovation
AI Integration
Incorporate HCD principles into AI-driven products and services.
Ethical AI Practices
Ensure AI solutions are user-centric and socially responsible.

Experience Design
(UX and UI)
Design Systems
Develop design systems for both digital and physical products.
Design Craft
Create compelling and meaningful experiences. UX, UI, Service Design.

Industrial Design + Engineering
Form & Usability
Create meaningful products, form and aesthetic exploration.
Engineering Feasibility
Ensure products are technically feasible to deliver in production.

Design Strategy
Understanding Needs
Conduct thorough analysis to understand company needs.
Strategy Development
Create tailored strategies for building effective design organizations.

Talent Acquisition and Retention
Hiring World-Class Talent
Attract and retain top design talent through hiring practices.
Talent Retention
Maintain a high retention rate with minimal attrition and a promotion rate of 15%.

Coaching & Development
Leadership and Coaching
Provide leadership, coaching, and development to nurture talent.
Career Framework
Develop a career framework for designers to succeed and grow.

Process and Operations
Design Processes
Set up scalable, purposeful, integrated design processes
Design Operations
Establish design operations organizations to develop common resources and best practices.

Design Metrics & Growth
High Performance
Develop metrics to track success at org and product levels.
KEI Creation
Establish Key Experience Indicators to ensure customer focus with delivered experiences.

Human Centered Design Training
Curated HCD Training
Create and deliver HCD training curriculums for stakeholders.
Innovation Workshops
Facilitate workshops and sessions to drive innovation.

Design Systems + Tools
Design Systems
Develop design systems for both digital and physical products.
Branding & Marketing
reate effective partnerships between product design and corporate brand.

Customer Engagement
Customer Research
Create pathways to gather high-quality feedback.
Customer Feedback
Establish strategies for effective customer feedback and engagement.
Hexagon | NexusUI
A open-source design system, design & code, built for Smart Manufacturing apps following the NexusUI design guidelines.
Eaton | Brightlayer
A open-source design system, design & code, built for Industrial Application software following the Eaton design guidelines.
Design Practices Built
Created Design Systems
Red Dot Award
Receive this prestigious award for Nexus Platform work and NexusUI Design System.
8 x iF Awards
Received 8 awards for digital product development.
- 5 products at Hexagon
- 3 products at Eaton.